
Welcome to

To begin, go up to the logo in the upper-left corner.


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


Updated Everything, software wise. So of course that broke something. (logins/sessions/etc). Fixed.


Sorted Uploads


Upgraded the network cards both in my main workstation and the server, they now have Intel X520-DA2 10gb dual direct-attach nics, with DAC cables to the CRS309-1G-8S+IN.


Sorted Uploads


We got a super fancy new router, a Netgear RS700, and a switch, CRS309-1G-8S+IN.

Both are in and configured, much faster internet now (old router was bottlenecking the fiber).


 Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


I broke the server, had to back everything up and reload the OS, reinstall everything. Looking good so far. 

As a result, we are now running the latest version of OpenSSL and NginX, so no issues with security.


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads


Sorted Uploads



Sorted Uploads


Added the ability to change your password.


Sorted Uploads.

Rearranged the comic section per suggestions.

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


I finally have internet at my new house.

Sorry for the unannounced downtime!

Status Update


I kind of broke the server OS updating from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. 

Took the time to tear it down physically and clean everything, then fixed the issues.

PHP 8 introduced some changes that bork the site, I've worked around most will be on the lookout for any remaining gremlins.

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


Our fiber has been upgraded to 1gbps/1gbps.

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Fixed fancybox support for the comic reader, which shows you the comic tag file text.

Moved some comics to their proper folders.

Status Update


Sorted Uploads

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Status Update


Added code to display the News topic on /Home

Status Update


Migrated all news posts to this topic from the static home file.

Will be adding code to display this topic's content on /home.

Status Update


Fully resolved issues with the thumbnailer and comic reader on the new OS.

Status Update


Increased upload size cap to 10Gb.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Status Update


The server now has a nice new 1TB Samsung Evo 860 SATA SSD, in an Icy Dock that mounts in the rear PCI-E slot and provides it it's own controller.

Due to it's greater size, the SSD is now used to serve the site files, with a nightly incremental backup to the storage mirror.



The boot disk of the server, an 8-yr-old 64GB Lite-On mSATA SSD pulled from a netbook, has developed a fault.

All data is safe, however the server is non-functional.

Replacement Hardware has been ordered.

Status Update


Internet service restored.



A storm took out our fiber interface's power supply.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Status Update


Created section for 'Other' comics that had already existed, just wasn't visible...

Sorted uploads.

Status Update


An update to PHP broke the rar archive library again. Fixed, so the comic reader can handle CBR's online.

Status Update


Created section for Archie Fan-Continuation - Sonic The Hedgehog Online.

Sorted uploads.

Status Update


Created section for IDW Sonic The Hedgehog.

Sorted uploads.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Status Update


About two weeks ago, one of the two disks that TKA reside upon began clicking and grinding. SMART reported the drive was about to fail, so out of an abundance of caution I shut down and sent that drive in under warranty.

The replacement is in place, data is sync'd between the two disks and we are back to normal.

Also, I was able to fix the rar archive library, so the comic reader can once again handle CBR's online.

Status Update


Was able to snag the fastest cpu availiable for the server cheap on ebay. Took a week to get here, but it's in!

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

New webserver had some default settings limiting uploads to 20mb. Fixed, now at 1024mb.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Performing code review of the site, I haven't made any major changes since January.

Bug fixes, some improved security checks, etc.

You may see random error messages in the backgrounds of pages.

Status Update


Migration Completed.



Preparing to migrate webserver software. This will enable the other sub-sites to be re-enabled.



The SSL cert had expired July 28th. Renewed it.



We unexpectedly lost power for a few hours. The electric company has sorted it.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Removed some useless FAQ entries and clarified the one on what belongs in bug reports.

Status Update


We now have full SSL support.

Note made that we must recompile the RAR library for the comicreader whenever we update PHP.

Status Update


Server is currently moving towards full SSL support.

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Server now has a nice shiny pair of 10TB Seagate IronWolf drives for storage. All files have been migrated.

Known Issue


The PECL-RAR plugin has been taken up by a third-party developer and now works.

This means the comic reader can now read .cbr files again.

Known Issue


The PECL-RAR plugin that is used by the comic reader here to extract pages is not updated to match current verions of PHP.

As soon as they release a new version the comic reader will work on cbr's online. Till then, you'll have to download and read.

They are aware of this issue. PECL Rar

Status Update


Sorted uploads.

Patched file identifier generation code. Was causing the uploads folder issue.

Added code that strips # and & from file names upon upload.

Status Update


Happy Pi Day to everyone.

I do still live. Sorted uploads. Also, faster internet connection now.

Status Update


The boot and database drive of the server is now a PCI-E SSD. Forum pages/etc should load much faster.

The database will be backed up at regular intervals to the mirrored storage drives.

Minor Update


Removing the footer and integrating some of it's parts into the menu, more how it used to be. Should give more space on small screens for images/etc.



New server is up and running. Thanks for your patience..



New server hardware has arrived.

TKA is moving from a pile of random parts (c)2008 to a nice Dell PowerEdge R210 rackmount server. It's new-old stock, made in 2012, just unboxed today.

Expect random downtimes and slowdowns over this weekend, with full service restored by Monday.

Status Update


Apologies for the long delay in sorting the uploads.


Status Update


Extensive testing with Project Spartan (Microsoft's new browser, to replace IE) shows no signs of issues, Clean, Simple, Standards-based design wins out.

A user's complaint about missing Sonic X episodes (for some reason in Public Chat instead of Bug Reports...) led to the discovery of some misnamed folders. Fixing.

Status Update


Fixed an edge case in filename encodings under Uploads.

Status Update


Finished HTML5 conversion, most of the site validates, working on the few exceptions.

Status Update


Short downtime to do a full disk check and verification. No bad sectors found, filesystem clean.

Preparing to do some cleanup and doctype changes, HTML5 is go.

Status Update


Links now use defined categories, newly added links are in a 'Needing Review' category.

Link Categories now have descriptions. I.E, the disclaimer on 'Needing Review', indicating possible danger of said links.

Added flag to forum topics to indicate wether or not to show post times.

Moved the to-do list to it's own forum topic.

Created files tables to store identifiers of unique files, filenames, descriptions, and tags. (Tags, Laying groundwork for new Search)

Backed up database due to all the changes.

Added Sonic Boom (first four eps) to Shows.

Noticed a directory structure problem with Other/Fan videos that no one had reported, that prevented those from showing up. Fixed.

Began converting videos in Other/Fan to MP4.



The electric company shut off our power to do some line maintenance.

Status Update


Fixed a security hole in the api reguarding forums. Any signed-in user could have edited any post.

Moved registration over to the api and applied infobox layout to it, simplifying the html.

Full Backup of server completed.

Status Update


Fixed a permissions issue that was preventing the storage of new thumbnails.

Status Update


Applied filtering to file uploads that removes accented characters that cause issues with windows filesystems from filenames. Ex: ñ → n.

Status Update


Rearranged some db schema and built indexes to optimize speed.

Full backup of db.

Full backup of site code.

Full backup site content underway.

Status Update


Resolved issue where raid array wasn't remounting on reboot of server.

Reworked sections detection so / is home.

Status Update


Resolved minor bug where login persistence was causing issues with logging out. You could log out in /comics and go to /forum, be logged back in.

Status Update


Verified functionality of permissions system and standardized method for accessing/updating it.

Status Update


Added the ability for site users to add Links. User-added links cannot currently have icons. This will be added later.

Status Update


Restored right-click functionality to download links in Comics.

Restored right-click functionality to Menu links.

Working on standardizing file-display into a block for reuse.

Status Update


Began laying database structures for user-created topics.

Nerfed issue reported by JaxTH with shows.

Finally finished stripping the last of the non-OO db code out of the site.

Status Update


Applied infobox design to User Profile.

Resolved bug report wherein you could not view other users' profiles via clicking their avatar/name.

Resolved design request.. using normal href links for downloads, allowing rightclick save-as.

Resolved design request.. now recording when someone last viewed a topic, the index will display if any posts are new.

Fixed a typo introduced in implementing infobox design on forum.. prevented some users from being able to post.

Updated the new post box to infobox design.

Updated the logout process to properly remove cookies domainwide.

Fixed some broken security checks.

Performed complete database backup including schema.

Status Update


Applied infobox design to Uploads, Links.

Status Update


Converted the forum-post aka 'infobox' design into a generic CSS class that can be over-ridden to customize.

Applied infobox design to Home, Forum, Characters, Comics, Shows, Music, Gaming, Fancontent, Users, Sorting, VideoViewer, and ComicReader.

Updated Users to only show those with descriptions by default, togglable.

Retrieved comics and shows titles into a json object and used that for the selector, instead of numbers.

Added normalize.css to get more consistent crossbrowser support.

Fixed encoding errors in the comics section.

Status Update


Tweaked forum-post design a bit more.

Fixed bug preventing post editing introduced on Oct 6. Oops.

Added cancel button to post editing.

Added asyncimage function to tool.js.

Reworked user-profile images to use asyncimage, and interpolation/array newline-implosion for allgeneration.

Removed some deprecated browser-specific selectors from CSS, used CSS3 standardized replacements.

Status Update


Redid forum-post design to work better on mobile devices and remove an unnecessary table.

Status Update


Tightened up the API's security a bit.

Added functionality to update user profile and redid those calls in jQuery.

Tweaked CSS to hide the section-indicator div.

Status Update


Merged the improved pagination system from ComicReader into Comics.

Redid much of the pagination JS using jQuery.


Status Update


Sonic Underground (SONICU) episode conversion completed.

Status Update


Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog (AOSTH) episode conversion completed.

Status Update


Merged the user profile editing function 'portrait_delete' into the API and made sure it was functional.

Noticed an issue with the thumbnailer where caching was still going on for images set to not cache. (like user ports)

Sonic The Hedgehog (SATAM) episode conversion completed.

Sonic Anime Movie (SAnime) episode conversion completed. Note that the matroska multi-audio/multi-sub has been left as-is.

Status Update


Fixed the url-encoding bug that was preventing some comics from being downloadeable.

Finished tweaking new mp4 video codec settings due to an update of ffmpeg, significant size reduction without much loss of quality.

Tested the new codec settings, works in FF, FF Mobile, Chrome, IE, Safari, Safari (iOS 7+). 

Began converting existing videos to the new format, going back to the AVI sources.

Status Update


Working on streamlining the JavaScript and switching a lot of it over to JQuery from Tool.js since my knowledge of JQuery has improved.

Wrote a tool to merge the JavaScripts into one file, reducing number of HTTP calls (speed improvement).

Merged the improved pagination system from ComicReader into Forum.

Status Update


Due to some automated search bot trying a bunch of different invalid links, the error log on the server exploded.

This caused the root disk for the server to become full, thus the database to reject any new data.

Tweaked settings to reduce logfile size, implemented log rotation with expiration.

Status Update


Some more issues with login (enter in fields logs you in, etc) resolved.

Thumbnailer refactored to use in-memory copies for significant decrease in render time, and a better caching system to prevent incorrect thumbnails.

ComicReader updated to use fileheader based detection of archive type instead of extension.

Status Update


Forum Post editing/deletion restored.

Status Update


Have been building an API to lay behind the site's functions, some of the site already uses it.

Status Update



Sorting and cleaning mainly.

Added code to push undesirable uploaded stuff to.. other sites.

Status Update


Good Day!

I'm updating this page so people know that I am actually still alive and working.

As you know, there've been some rather seismic shifts in how the site code works, some to others' delight, some to others' dismay.. I'm doing my best to satisfy everyone.

The database is running nice and smoothly, I'm working on designing out better UI though for some sections (comics mainly, that Sonic The Hedgehog comic having so many issues.. sheesh).

I have recently reworked my database code into a class, and am slowly converting existing pages to it.
For those without technical knowledge: This means it is now easier/simpler for me to do fancy things with the database. Yay.

I am thinking of adding a seperate section to the site for it's updates/changes.. though really nobody cares, I know.

Status Update


Well, it's that time again! A few years have passed and I've over-engineered the site and gotten fed up with it again. Time to re-redo it and make it more awesome than before!

You will shortly be able to access more sections as they get re-created. Until then, each section will simply show a folder tree-view.


This time, it:

  • Has been completely rewritten FROM SCRATCH. There is 0 code from the old site in this one.
  • Has a redesigned menu that hides when not needed. This provides significantly more usable page space.
  • Uses industry-standard login and statekeeping techniques. The old custom method was unreliable and messy.
  • Uses completely validated 4.01 Strict, ready for HTML5 when it is officially released.
  • Uses completely validated CSS 2, ready for CSS 3 when it is officially released.
  • Uses 0 deprecated inline tags, CSS will handle all layout.
  • Uses MariaDB, a drop-in, high-performance replacement for MySQL, instead of my own custom flatfile database.
  • Uses the PHP MySQLi functions and parameterized queries to prevent most if not all SQL Injection vectors. MySQL_ functions are deprecated by php, might as well learn the newer while designing. This was needed because unlike my flatfile db, MySQL has known vulnerabilities that are often exploited.
  • Will use a captcha for registrations that actually works, reliably, unlike before.
  • Will have a much more robust forum with user-created topics/etc.
  • Will have better handling of the uploads folder including a permissions-based folder list. Certain people who've earned it will even be able to create new folders/etc under comics, fancontent.
  • Will provide all users of the site, free cake.
  • That last one might be a lie.